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  • I can't stand the Post Office
    Thursday, March 06, 2008
    Man. If any of you wonder why mail folks seem so pissed off all of the time, well....let me enlighten you folks.
    The "management" of the Postal Service is a direct contradiction in terms, kind of like "military intelligence."
    I am a mail carrier during the "day" in Dallas, Texas. I hate my job with a passion. So likely does YOUR mail carrier. Why? Because the "management" treats mail carriers like twice-stomped dog shit in the yard. And then they wonder why carriers have bad attitudes and piss poor morale.
    I should digress a bit. Allow me to concede that that there have been TWO (yes, TWO) supervisors I have worked for that I liked and somewhat respected as supervisors, and respected further as human beings but just wasn't impressed by their management ability on the whole. Names are irrelevant. I say I wasn't impressed by their ability to the extent that their abilities to close the paper trails were lacking. They did, however, possess superior people skills compared to most others.
    This opinion has been formed over the ten total years I have working for the US Mail.
    I shall now move on to my current situation.
    I have been at the Pleasant Grove Station of the Dallas district of the USPS for about 2 1/2 years. During that time I have seen the district change supervisors and district managers as often as some folks change their socks.
    Some of these moves were good moves, but some were not. We just has a tenured supervisor (one of the two I liked) booted from our station because, in my opinion, she just wasn't BITCH enough. In her place we received two more who leave SO MUCH to be desired. See, it seems that the way to get promoted in management at the USPS is to be as much of a miserable asshole as possible. Period. Results be damned. Accuracy be damned. Enron could have taken a lesson from the upper eschelon of the Dallas district in how to "cook" the books. Indeed. Mistake one for the Postal Service:
    I'm not exactly sure of the chronology of the timeline involved, but maybe some of you older employees could shed some light on this next point.
    The Postal Service decided to make supervisory positions "performance-based", meaning that supervisors, station managers, district managers, etc., are paid according to "numbers." (Rimshot!)
    Huh? Um, the Postal Service is a PROTECTED MONOPOLY as has been so since its' inception. It is NOT a competitive entity. When Congress opened up the parcel business to competitors back when, you saw companies like Federal Express, United Parcel Service, etc., spring to life instantaneously. Why? Because the Postal Service couldn't keep up with an expanding global marketplace and the volumes that were coming. Even now, in the Post Office they talk about "taking back" the parcel business. What a joke. Even if the USPS on the whole saw a 10% increase daily in parcel volume the whole operation would open up like Humpty Dumpty falling off the wall. There's no way the USPS could manage that. The entire delivery operation is designed around the status quo. They could not adapt. To truly be competitive you have to adapt. Why can't they, you ask? I'll tell you. Because of interpersonal relations and work relationships between management and workers.
    As of now I can safely say that here in Dallas they are worst I have seen them for multitude of reasons, way too long to list here. But allow me to give you a current example of the shenanigans now taking place in my office.
    I am one of a handful of limited duty carriers in my office. I have a ruptured disc in my back and neck, and a eroded bony condition in my knee which caused my ACL to detach from my lower knee joint and resulted in bony fragments grinding away soft tissues inside of my knee. Surgery is probably going to be the final solution for that, and that knee will never be the same again. Thanks to the good ol' USPS for pushing me like a mule all of these years by having me work 10-12 hours a day with 9-11 hours of that being distance walking. That many hours? Yes! Indeed. I am a regular now but was a casual, then PTF, then regular. Back in the late 80s and early 90s I was a TE carrier in Garland where they worked me like Kunte Kinte everyday too. And I was gung-ho. I wanted to make them happy and carry every 3996 as fast as I could. I carried all that heavy-ass Dallas Morning News and ADVO sometimes 5 DAYS A WEEK! 40-50 lbs. of paper hanging off my shoulder that many days a week over that many years finally ruptured discs in my back and neck.
    When my knee exploded I was carrying a route every day in Pleasant Grove that was over 24 miles of walking. Yes. I walked it off several times with a pedometer. I don't walk like that anymore, nor do I suspend any weight off my neck. And I have migraines now that are likely attributed to the upper spinal column damage done to my neck by repeated exposure to excessive weight over a period of years. But while I was fully functional I was a mail carrying MACHINE. Indeed.
    I work in that office now as a light duty carrier. And as the other limited duty folks in the office are finding, I now find that with this new management change we have seen the rekindling of the light duty employee harassment fires that so frequently burn in this USPS. Badgering, threats, harassment, etc. Everyday we are having to put up with new shenanigans designed to make us so angry that we explode.
    They threaten to AWOL us when we have our DOL doctors appointments, threaten us with AWOL if we call in sick for whatever reason, and then try to get us to work outside of our restrictions and then threaten to write us up if we don't. Not to mention holding us to impossible time standards that are not usually even attainable to those without all of our injuries. As a result of my injuries I just can't get around as fast or work the same. I can't cover the same distances nor can I stand for as long at a stretch. My restrictions spell out completely what I should and should not attempt to do during the course of a day and "Management" continues to distribute to us "light duty assignments" that continue to violate our restrictions and then they get a case of the ass when we refuse the assignments based on our CA17 restrictions.
    As a result our union stewards stay very busy in our office. But there's much more.
    Aside from the light duty harassment and threats and the latest AWOL harassment and threats I have tolerated from these idiots, I came to find today that another carrier in my office WITNESSED one of the newer "supervisors" (who is a perpetual 204b because he can't even be an asshole right), RAID my locker in the locker room at the office and REMOVE all my rain gear (hat, boots, overshoes, pants, rainjacket) as well as my mail satchel and a pair of my SHOES and distribute this gear to other carriers who have been routinely brought in from other stations and assignments (like collections) to carry helpslips and routes in our station. I was gone that day on leave because of transportation problems. I only discovered that my gear was gone today because it was raining and I obviously went to retrieve my gear only to find all of it GONE. I then came out to one of the other supervisors to report a THIEF in the office and that's when this other carrier informing me of the guilty supervisor's thieving ways.
    WHAT!?!?!?! WTF?!! What right does this idiot have to go in MY LOCKER and retrieve MY GEAR to distribute to other carriers? MY UNIFORM ALLOWANCE paid for all of that stuff, and all the rain gear was brand new! Arggghh! And this supervisor actually admitted to me that he raided my locker and gave my stuff away with a shit-eatin' grin on his face. Bastard. As a result of that I had to carry mail in the pouring down rain with no rain shoes and no rain pants. I had a second rain jacket in my car, fortunately. But I was all wet all day and my feet were numb and without sensation until I got back to the office and didn't thaw out until way after I got home. THIS SHOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED! This idiot stole my gear and I am now going to go the the District Manager and Postmaster myself on this. In addition to that they are going to see a flurry of grievances and EEO's based on the other crap they've pulled.
    Now then, so many other carriers are having to endure this same type of harassment and work related stress just as I am. No wonder morale sucks so bad.
    This sucks. There was a time where I actually liked my job. I did. I'm sure most other carriers would say that too. But now I can't stand it because of the morons I have to put up with everyday. I dread even getting out of bed in the morning and putting that stupid blue nylon monkey suit on. It wasn't always that way.
    Never mind that my injuries I have sustained was because for years I was BUSTING MY ASS for the Postal Service so they could make their "numbers".
    They got their bonuses and I got debilitating conditions for the rest of my life. So the next time they give my grief about my restrictions I may just give them the proverbial bird in the face.
    So to speak. We keep fighting the fight but it's not without negative consequence all around.
    This Postal Service could realize so much potential if they'd just get rid of the assholes and actually hire some folks that know who to manage a business.
    I have ideas on how to do that. I have ideas on managing people. I did so for years. Everything I see Postal Supervisors do goes against every bit of management training I ever underwent for the companies I worked for. That's because they have no real clues, and the USPS is at fault for not adequately training people. They just throw them into the fray and expect impossible results.
    All the while the mail carriers take the beating.
    That's why your carrier seems so pissed off all of the time.
    Now you know.
    Other things I'll cover later but I'm just tired of writing.
    posted by Dave @ 11:49 PM   0 comments
    Wednesday, January 16, 2008
    Ok, I just have to chime in on all this to-do about cloning.
    First there as Dolly the sheep, then there was mice, cats, dogs, and now they are talking about cloned beef cattle for human consumption.
    The consequences beg my first question:
    WHY do we need to clone cattle? We have plenty to cattle! Cattle are everywhere. And why would they even contemplate it considering that they estimate that it would cost $35,000 to clone the animal? I don't want to pay $500 a pound for hamburger!
    The next question is WHY are we cloning dogs and cats when hundreds of thousands of them are euthanized in American shelters every year? Strays are everywhere.
    The things that humans do in the name of science so often make no practical sense whatsoever.
    I heard another story the other day that scientists here had "manufactured" a heart in a lab from stem cells, and it started beating on it's own. Sounds great. What they failed to mention was whether or not this "heart" was anatomically correct as far as the actual chambers go. Could it actually pump blood? I don't know.
    I have a ethical dilemma with cloning. On one hand it brings "replicant" Ruther Hauer on steroids, crazed supercriminal mentality to mind.
    On the other hand you have a picture of a sheep. Who's to say what the long term ramifications of all this cloning will be. I won't say that goes against God or something, but I wonder about how this disturbs the natural order of things. I mean, how soon before science discovers a way to mature these "clones" much faster than normal? I know it sounds very science fiction, but one has to remember that most of what we have today was once "science fiction". Like lasers. Space travel. Moonshots. Wireless communication. Supercomputers. All of these things were fictionalized before they were realized. And in 2007, researchers at MIT actually "transported" matter from one place to another. Like STAR TREK transported. Yes, it was only ONE atom, but they successfully transported it from one vacuum tank to another through OPEN SPACE. Today one atom, in 200 years, whole living beings. "I'll meet you in Transporter room two, away team."
    Don't think for one minute it couldn't happen. No one thought lasers would ever be made real. Now we use them for all kinds of things. Self-cauterizing surgery. Topography. Missile defense.
    Same thing for clones. today, sheep and mice and cows. 40 years from now, humans. What then? We see clones who look 25-30 years old but are actually 2-3 years old? I can't even start to contemplate the ramifications for humankind. All this with our children of this generation being as socially dysfunctional as they are.
    I just can't help but think that all this cloning is a bad idea.
    posted by Dave @ 11:20 PM   0 comments
    Cool video I play drums in
    Wednesday, January 09, 2008
    Check out the video of me and my friends at church. We put together a gospel choir as we do at various times throughout the year and and someone videoed this particular effort. Hope you like it as much as I did.

    posted by Dave @ 9:37 PM   0 comments
    The TRUTH about Barack Obama...is not what you might have heard!
    There is always an abundance of filth, trash, and lies floating about on the internet these days.
    One I just saw today was about Barack Obama being a radical Muslim extremist. I am here to say that is CRAP and completely untrue, and entirely baseless in fact.
    I am not endorsing the fellow. I just hate to see falsehoods and slander spread about by people who neither check anything for validity or by those who just make up drivel like this to be hateful.
    See the truth about Barack Obama here. He is not a radical Muslim extremist trying to "infiltrate" the presidency at all. From what I know of him he is a stand-up guy with standards.

    Read the snopes.com article and see for yourself. Remember to always check things for yourself and don't be a SHEEP and believe everything everyone tells you.

    Have a mind of your own, folks.


    posted by Dave @ 9:18 PM   0 comments
    Advice to keep your site from getting "phished"
    Thursday, December 20, 2007
    Just my two cents, but just as I have attempted to enlighten other folks, I will pass on the same info now.

    YOU are the main force behind whether or not you get phished. YOU have to pay attention.
    The ways that folks on myspace get phished is through the use of fake myspace login pages, or pages that redirect you to login again through myspace or other websites.
    These are fake and designed to lure you into volunteering your login and password information.
    An example of common misleading login pages include:


    Notice the redirect? If you didn't, look at it again.

    Still didn't see it?

    Notice the "m" in "myspace" was replaced with "rn". Placed very close together it is easy to overlook. But if you miss it and login, then you voluntarily give up your information.
    Then the spammers take your account over and send out Macy's giftcards, ringtone offers, etc.
    Another very common tactic they use is to send you a video. Then you go to look at it and you get redirected to the fake myspace login page which says "you must be logged in to do that!" and so you login.
    DO NOT look at videos sent UNLESS you KNOW the person who sent it and then verify it's validity with the sender before you open it. Otherwise, if you get redirected when you've already logged in then you can safely infer that it's a phishing attempt.

    I fell victim to this trick and got phished also, but never will again.

    If it happens to you you likely won't know unless someone asks you if you sent that ringtone spam on purpose, or if someone reports your profile to myspace and they shut your profile down, or send you a notice that you got phished.
    When it does you must change your password. Immediately. Then change it often.
    These spammers only want easy pickings and won't take a lot of time to infiltrate a profile when they have millions to pick from.

    My public service announcement for the day~

    --Dave Fury
    posted by Dave @ 11:57 AM   1 comments
    TRUCKSTOP JUNKIES venture to Nashville, TN
    Saturday, December 08, 2007
    The TRUCKSTOP JUNKIES, recent winners of the Shiner Bock Rising Star competition for 2007, are now in Nashville, Tennessee recording our debut record for our newly acquired label.
    We wish to thank all of our friends, family, and fans, without whom we would not be here now.
    The Swensons, Beverly Costello, The Carners, and so may more....thank you for the huge help you have been to us in making this trip possible.
    Thanks to all of our fans who have continually showed us love and made lots of noise for us during the competition, which helped us lock in the win!
    Very soon we will have a killer record for all of you to hear!

    Stay tuned.....

    --Dave Fury
    "A Diesel-fueled, hotrod hellbilly honkytonk turd floatin' in a Guinness!"
    posted by Dave @ 9:01 PM   0 comments
    Friday, November 02, 2007
    My newest post since August. Yep. I know, it's November. I've been busy.

    My band, The TRUCKSTOP JUNKIES, with my bandmates, Noah, Kemp, Trigger, and Clay, are the newest SHINER BOCK Rising Stars for 2007. Yep. The official band of Shiner Beer. Indeed.
    We have worked our arses off for this. Lots of shows, practices, roster changes, aches and pains, etc., but here we are.
    I have to credit a couple of other guys who were once fixtures in this band. Liberty Allen, guitar teacher/instructor, and our "Gordon Sumner", in a bass player named John Dawson, who, like Sting from the Police, is a high school English Teacher. But instead of leaving teaching for the band, John left the band for teaching. He's still one of the most competent bass players I have played with.
    Liberty has played with bands on the west coast all well as with us before we became The TRUCKSTOP JUNKIES. Again, a really competent and great guy.
    The guys in the band now are all great players. We were good enough to beat out 116 original applicants to the contest and 32 semi-finalists and 4 finalists.
    Stay tuned for a studio production from us. We will be leaving to go into the studio in Nashville in the coming weeks. It will be marketed on the Shiner Records/Palo Duro label.
    Go check us pout on Myspace and listen to our songs. I think you'll dig them.


    posted by Dave @ 11:14 PM   0 comments
    Finally it's updated
    Saturday, August 25, 2007
    That's if anyone even cares and/or are even looking.
    I deleted all the rest of my blogs. I've just done nothing with them in months.
    I keep up with my MySpace, the Scrambled Eggs MySpace, and this. That's gonna be it.
    So check out those also.
    See the links straight to them to the left side of my blog page. They are updated.
    Check out the TRUCKSTOP JUNKIES too! I don't run admin on that site but it is updated mostly on a daily basis.
    Come see me and let me know you were here, there, and everywhere! :)

    posted by Dave @ 7:30 PM   0 comments
    About Me

    Name: Dave
    Home: Texas, United States
    About Me: I'm Dave, father of two, husband of one, and musician, author, open mic host, and endeavoring spiritualist.
    See my complete profile
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